How to get ready for 2014…./ Cómo prepararnos para recibir el 2014…
It’s so touching the way we all wait for the New Year to come around so full of excitement. We all have our favourite rituals, but we also like to try some new ones. Whatever to get a New Year better than the old one, or at least as good as it! I love when we ask we stay the same. This always means that the year we’re leaving behind has been good. Any New Year’s ritual we want to put into practice will be ok, as long as we have faith on it and it makes us feel happy and excited. The ones who have been reading me for…
How to survive Christmas… and enjoy it!
Those who know me well know that I’ve never really been into Christmas, and rather I’ve always tried to get through December as fast as possible and attend lunchs, dinners and other events with all the enthusiasm that I was able to show. It’s not that I don’t like Christmas. All the obligations created around it are what I don’t like. In fact, I don’t like obligations of any kind. I don’t understand why we have to share our table with certain people whom we are not eager to see through the rest of the year just because it’s Christmas. And what about pretending to be happy just because “it’s…
Ask and it is given…/ Pide y se te dará…
Less than a year ago I was browsing on the internet thirsty for information about New York, and travelling alone , and looking for the better place to stay , but mostly I realize now that in fact I was very excited with all the adventures I was reading about, all the new projects I was reading about, in blogs that were written by girls that one day , had a dream and now they were sharing their experiences with others. By the way I´m trying to figure out what is the meaning of this blog,and what will it be its essence. For me it has a lot of sense.…